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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Get Your Balls Back!!!

Hey fuckface... yeah you. (And if you think I'm speaking specifically to you right now?? I am)...

Knock it the fuck off. I'm pissed. You are being so unreasonable right now. And what really gets me??
Is the fact that you are not the one that is being unreasonable- you are just the one jumping through HOOPS in an effort to appease another person that thinks you are being unreasonable. Apparently you're so dizzy from turning tricks that you no longer have any recollection whatsoever as to what the concept of “being reasonable” even is. And don't tell me I'm being a bitch, or do, or don't- whatever , I don't care. It is my job as a friend to yell at you when you have lost your mother fucking mind and try to reel you back in. Please don't tell me it's too late. Now, hey, I am sympathetic/ empathetic/ want to beat your ass-athetic to your predicament... but after a while?? Fuck you. Friendship is a two way street. Get your shit together. Try to remember where it is that your left your balls, and go back to retrieve them immediately.

Boom. Not like that mattered. But it made me feel a little bit better.




  1. Your a beast

  2. You really are a kid doesnt suprise me most adults are these days drunk brats that dont know what to do with there lifes so they make is there life goal to tear others apart just to put yourself on top go back to school
