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Please don't be stupid enough to assume that I named myself and my blog after a claymation character... Look the shit up, thanks.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fucked Up Shit That Makes No Sense To Me

Fucked up shit that makes no sense to me...

1) The “Gun and Knife” show is at the Portland Convention Center this weekend... apparently you can buy/ sell/ or trade your fucking gun or knife there.... How the fuck does that work??? How the fuck do you get through security??? And why should you??? Oops- I have this knife on me, but don't worry- I plan on trading it in for a gun... WTF???!!!
2) Late night television (not cable). Have you ever tried to watch that shit?? I'm talking beyond Jimmy Fallon.
3) Working out- being tired as hell before 11 pm- then staying up past 2 am (oh yeah, that would be me).
4) Yo mama- just kidding... I am delerious at this point.
5) How the fuck do you spell delerious??
6) Portland
7) People with dogs that think they (the owners) are the most compassionate people on the planet, yet they want to kill half of humanity at the same time.
8) Why Portland doesn't have mass transit that runs past 1:30 am
9) Jerry Springer dating shows... yep- I am still watching late night non-cable TV shows- (because if I had cable I would never leave my mother fucking house).
10) The fact that I swear so much.
11) Constant inspirational quotes on Facebook.
12) Why a plane ticket to San Francisco is $138 one week, and $228 the next.
13) Snow cones... those are gross.
14) That if you don't reproduce people think there is something strange or bad must have happened to you. Fuck you assholes- I am saving you lots of money and resources- you should be thanking my ass.
15) Why it costs $400 to go see a movie.
16) People that don't like Sour Patch Kids.
17) People that like techno music.
18) (Seafood) sushi- fuck that shit... it's raw fish, and that's just wrong.
19) Goth- I don't get that at all.
20) Planning/ preparing your Halloween costume in August.

I don't know what else- I'm sure I could go on and on for about four days... feel free to add your thoughts below- even though I know you won't- because you're a paranoid mother fucker that only looks at my blog daily, but is too afraid to comment. Oh wait- except for the few of you brave souls that do- I was not trying to talk shit about you... I love you dearly. Muah.




  1. Want more comments? You could send links to this blog to your inspirational quote posters.

  2. You know you shouldn't fool her Swifty. Maybe two or three people actually read your blog because the care what you have to say. Honestly, you're more boring than watching water boil which I suspect is the story of your life making you create a blog in the first place in hopes that someone....anyone will listen to you hammer on and on about nothing anybody gives a shit about. The people you keep mentioning who pop onto your blog are only hoping for clues as to who the fuck who created thepotshot is. Remember, you were very vocal about the fact that you've met him. We all know you have a crush on him (he's married you stupid cow). There are a LOT of people who would love to have a meeting with him. Don't fool yourself into thinking you have anything to say that anyone wants to hear. But, if you want traffic, get someone from that site who adds substance to comment on your blog. Like it or hate it, that will bring in the traffic.

    1. WTF??? You mean Blogger is lying to me?? Say it isn't so. Awww, but thank you for being one of the two to three people that reads my blog- that means a lot to me. That “watching water boil” shit really wasn't your best work- just so ya know. And out of curiosity (for the 50th mother fucking time)... why is it that you read my blog that no one gives a shit about?? Oh never mind- I don't care- because I wrote it for me- not you. However, I never cease to be amazed at how many people read the shit and never comment- very strange. Oh hey, but way to go out on a limb and expose yourself by doing so- that took real guts. Be sure to tell your therapist about that.

      If it really is what's-his-fuck that you're looking for- good luck finding him reading my stupid rants.... Somehow I don't think that's gonna happen- do you?? Oh well, you can keep wishing. I would never want to spoil your ass backwards-mother fucking ridiculous- you must be on crack, dream.

      Ciao Bella.

  3. Chicken’s blog is funny and entertaining. You’re just saying shit because you two had a falling out. That was years ago.
    I’m kind of glad to see you checking it though. How about an update on your life?

  4. I Luke the gun shows at the EXPO. Obtw, they tie strap the recievers open on the guns brought in by CCLs. All purchasers must pass a background check before getting the weapon they want to buy. As for knives, I've never paid attention to them though I do train with practice knives when practicing knife fighting in Kali stick class.

    1. A lot of that was in Japanese to me... good thing I am usually able to decipher MLK language- haha. But what is a CCL?? And do they do background checks on the weapons that people are bringing in to trade?? And how exactly does security work there??

    2. Yes on the back ground checks. Oregon law makes it a requirement that those who want to make a transaction involving a firearm have a background check. Also, no one is allowed to trade or make a personal sale at the shows any longer, if you are caught trying to do so in the parking lot you will be arrested. You can go to a shop and sell them your weapon or put it on consignment , depending on the shop. Concealed Carry License :-)

  5. Why are you so annoying but intertaining at the same time
