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Please don't be stupid enough to assume that I named myself and my blog after a claymation character... Look the shit up, thanks.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cool People Rock

Cool people.... Lately I have stumbled across quite a few of them... Plus, I have hung out with others that I forgot were so cool. Where have I been?? Hell if I know. With my head in the sand, apparently. Constantly worrying that the sky is falling is exhausting shit- and it tends to put a damper on life (imagine that). Although I am apprehensive that this current phase/ state of mind won't last- I am secretly hoping that it will. Depression is a bitch. Good thing I'm Queen of all bitches.


  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2013

    Cool people....the one thing you could not be even if you put 100% into it. Do you ever wonder what makes you so abrasive that you have to make friends anonymously through here? I have to say though, you're not the MOST pathetic of our bunch. We all have MLKKK and Tom to pity. I wish I could pick on them but I feel REALLY sad for them. It must be the lowest of any possible low to have to post here.....especially anonymously.....VERY VERY SAD! Poor you. Do the world a favor. It's called potassium cyanide. Honestly.....who would miss you? Seriously, WHO would miss you?

    1. Apparently you would miss me.

    2. Ha, ha, looks like I'm higher on the low life scale than you CL. Then again , consider the source. Some almost human who has nothing better to do than post on a site it hates about various people with handles on here that it hates. Don't worry about what it thinks of you, it has an even lower opinion of itself.

  2. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

    I think "the lowest of any possible low" would be encouraging people to hurt themselves while posting on here. Moron.

    1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2013

      Ooh, oh! You got me there. Moron, what a burn! Whatever shall I do now? I know! I could make a blog and make stupid posts about shit nobody cares about and hope other friendless people will respond and we can all think that we somehow have made connections when in actuality we continue to go on being nobody's. Wait, that's what this dumb bitch is doing.

    2. Hey there- thanks so much for coming back to post another comment at 5:38 am on blog that you care nothing about. That shows real effort. A few words of advice, though.... I may be abrasive, but I'm not a straight up salty bitch. You might wanna work on that if you plan on getting along with other people in the world- or perhaps you save your twelve year old bratty alter ego for commenting on a “stupid blog” with “stupid posts about nothing” in order to anonymously criticize other people for “commenting anonymously”... Who gives a shit who's anonymous- and who gives a shit what I post? I'm the one posting the shit- so the only person it matters to is me. It's my blog, bitches- duh. But I'm fairly certain your salty bitch ass will come back and try to pick a fight with someone else again- because that's what salty bitches do. Good luck with that.
