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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Potshot Regulars

I try to not make a habit of perusing PDX Mugshots, however if I'm bored, procrastinating, or investigating someone/ something... I will. And look who I found when I pulled up the site today? Seems it wasn't a great week for some of those who were regularly featured on The Potshot back in the day. Recognize anyone??


Proof positive that it does not matter how many times you get arrested, you will not go to jail or lose your kids for very long... (This is not her arrest photo from today. I chose a previous mugshot so that you could see her in her full glory- aka when PDX Mugshots didn't blur their photos). This girl is so fucking stupid that it really frightens me.

Worst Face Tat Guy EVER....

I am not even gonna bother trying to go back and figure out how many times this guy has been arrested in the past. See? That neck/ face tat conspiracy shit is true!

And of course, CHEVYMAN...

Looks like he's graduated to much more serious crimes these days (or at least he's finally getting caught for them.)


  1. Ah yes, old magic marker brows, who could forget her, lol!

  2. I bet she could wup yo ass, chicken bitch

  3. I'm not sure what you're talking about here CL, this woman is my aestetician and tattooing on very high pointy eyebrows is all the craze lately (at least that's what she told me as she was tattooing on my new eyebrows).

  4. I've met the in the middle before (briefly). He was actually quite polite and fairly articulate.

  5. Tiffany sort of tried to get out of meth life but that’s where her friends and baby daddies are. Tiffany’s 14 months at Coffee Creek started Dec 2013. The recent Multnomah booking is when they bussed her to Portland for a Juvenile Court hearing.


    If you’re going to be mocking criminals, Chicken, I hope you have a strong anonymity firewall.

    1. Swifty, you're an idiot.

    2. Also learn some kind of marital arts. You're gonna need it. You all need to get some lifes.

    3. I already practice in 3 martial arts, not including Kali stick and knife fighting. Your empty threats are boring at best. Go away little man.

    4. Get some "lifes"???!!! Dumbass.

      P.S. Swifty is brilliant... and I will sick MLK on you. Beat it.

    5. I've always hated the term, "get a life." WTF does that even mean? And something tells me that if you looked up pasty white doucebag I'm the dictionary you'd find Swifty's life bio.......just had to spice this up a bit. I think we're all looking to troll a little bit here.

    6. Wait.... aren't you the same person that made the comment below in regards to this post: http://chickenlittl.blogspot.com/2013/10/explain-it-to-me-please.html

      Sybil October 26, 2013

      It saddens me that you've lowered yourself to this. I realize it was probably with the goal of getting comments but you're smarter than this. You can write posts that will inspire others to comment. Don't be cruel to someone who's never harmed you and who's back story you know nothing about.

    7. I am. I'm a hypocrite considering I years this woman's eyebrows. I still think it's sad to pick on people we don't know but commented in boredom.

    8. Ugh, *teased......fucking auto correct.

  6. My lil cuz was posted on the original potshots. He hasn't been able to find work since all the bullshit publicity its caused. You is some trifling ass muthafuckas! And leave homegurl alone. She be looking fine.
