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Friday, November 2, 2012



Sounds so different when it's coming from different people; and they're all saying it for different reasons. But personally I find it odd that I physically keep finding myself saying it. WTF is up with that? That is annoying as fuck. But seriously- you may have “come a long way”- but you still have a long more fucking way to go. (Well that's if you're from the camp “he can change”.... all the other camp ever says is “you know he's never going to change, don't you”??!! In fact, those are the people that I try to avoid at all costs. Please don't corner me.... I don't tend to respond to that very well. Ugh- that's hard to hear. Not sure why I have to keep testing the theory- is there some part of this person that's genuine, sincere, humble, and even capable of change? I am so exhausted with my heart fighting with my head. My head says hell no- you have got to be out of your mind- and then starts to recite some sort of laundry list of all the things that this other individual has done throughout the years. In fact the more my head thinks about it- the more I wonder if it might just explode one day. It's just too much. At the very least if it could just be quiet for a little bit, that would help immensely. I do not want to go backwards- this shit is fucking exhausting.

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