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Monday, August 26, 2013

Scarred For Life

Fuck you Miley Cyrus- Your little performance on the VMA's last night has scarred me for life. WTF was that? WTF is up with your tongue? WTF is wrong with you? Go away- that was pretty damn close to the trashiest thing I have ever seen in my life. Actually, until I come up with another example- that is officially the trashiest thing that I have ever seen in my life. Good gawd girl... I don't care how much you benefit from that shit- which you probably will- that shit was just foul... FOUL.

For those of you who haven't seen it- here's the link-


Please understand that by watching this you may be subjecting yourself to irreparable damage. And if you do decide to watch this, don't watch it while you're eating- because you will puke.

P.S. Miley- you are not Madonna, and you never will be. Biotch.

P.P.S. Shame on you Robin Thicke. Vomit.

P.P.S.S. 2 Chainz- you can fuck right on off too.


  1. I agree! She looked like a 14 year old crack ho, yuk!!!! That was just plain pathetic, her and her family should hang their heads in shame ! I have a fairly strong stomach but I threw up a little bit in my mouth while she ( for lack of a better description ) danced.

    1. Sit yo ass down, Miley. I want to be able to eat again.

  2. She's sort of a genius. Look how many people are talking about her now. At least she hasn't shaved her head yet like Britney did. And, do you ever wonder how she's considered a slut while being in one relationship for the past few years and Taylor Swift is "America's Sweetheart" but has had plleennntttyy of boyfriends. Even ones almost old enough to be her daddy? I haven't watched her performance yet but is it really worse than wearing a meat dress?

    1. That is one hell of a point... No, seriously! She was NOT wearing a meat dress! 'Nuff said.

    2. Wait wait wait wait... I know I said "nuff said"... but you didn't really believe I meant that, did you? No, I didn't think so. First of all- hell yeah- that was hands down the best thing I have heard someone say about that dumb ass shit: "she was not wearing a meat dress"... and while I wish that I could really keep my mouth shut above and beyond that, I simply can not. You know me, I will explode if I don't say what's on my mind.

      Okay- so here goes... Yes, that probably was a genius move on her part- a ton of people are talking about her- (including me, as much as I am ashamed of that fact)... But fuck you Miley, you are not Madonna...And Brittney?? Shaving her head?? Yep, that was extremely weird- I agree with you on that one, but I didn't think that was "controversial", or a good move on her part- that just proved that she was, in fact, bat shit crazy. Moving on... I never said Miley was a slut- that never even crossed my mind- I am just irritated about that fucking display of I don't even know what. And is she in a relationship?? For the past few years?? I had no mother fucking idea. She's like twelve, isn't she?? Taylor Swift... hmmmm- she thinks she's the shit, but she so isn't- and who is "America's Sweetheart"??? I have no idea- any other suggestions you might have on that one would be greatly appreciated, because I certainly don't think it's her. And why in the fuck am I even talking about these chicks so much?? Oh wait- perhaps it's because they are geniuses. But they're not Madonna- or America's Sweetheart... Ugh- the "Daddy" thing- I'm gonna go out on a limb here and presume that you are a female that wrote the above comment.... Is it just me? Or when you hear a girl refer to their boyfriend as "daddy" does it not invoke the gag reflex inside of you?? WTF is that???!!! "Daddy"??!!! Helllllll no. And if they really are old enough to be their "daddy"?? That just compounds things entirely- not that I can ever even get to that point, because I am too busy trying to pick my jaw back up off the ground if I even hear a girl utter the word "daddy". Unless they're like ten or something.

      Don't watch the performance, I am sorry I even suggested it, or brought it up. However.... back to the meat dress thing. Don't you find it slightly entertaining that Lady Gaga is completely perplexed at being "one upped" by Hannah Montana??!!! I do. And what the hell is up with her aquatic theme lately?? Girlfriend, wearing a shell bikini and putting a dead starfish in your hair is not going to earn you any points, whatsoever, at least in my book. And as you pointed out- she wore a fucking meat dress once- so what the fuck does she want?? She gets no love from me.

      Thank you for reminding me what the real point was here, and what I should be focusing on. ;)

  3. Dusty Smith was shocked. Not his usual calm response.


  4. You all are just little gossip girls that is why females have such a bad rep is because we are all bitchy and winey and complaining and we cant seem to get along with anyone
