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Please don't be stupid enough to assume that I named myself and my blog after a claymation character... Look the shit up, thanks.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Take Me To Church

I go to church two times a year. Christmas Eve, and Easter. Why do I do this? To appease my mother. Do I like it? Not particularly. Can I space out for an hour and endure it? Yeah, pretty much so. Why don't I like it or go on my own? Ummm- #1) It's too early. I am a lazy ass mother fucker that can't seem to get anything done before noon. Catch me after midnight though, and I can make some shit happen. #2) I'm not religious. (Sorry Jesus- no offense). I don't really label myself as an atheist- but that's probably the label that I identify with most. How does my mother feel about this? Let's just not talk about that. I do miss the easter egg hunts, though. WTF happened to the easter egg hunts? When did I become too old for the easter egg hunts? I don't wanna eat the crazy colored rotten eggs or the smushed milk chocolate bunnies... it's not that. I just love to compete for getting them all. And it shaves a little time off the church experience... maybe??

I am simply not the child/ adult my mother wanted me to be. But a more important and pressing situation I have going on is: WTF am I going to wear to church on Sunday?? And how many alarms do I need to set to be sure I get there on time?? Ugh. Says a little bit about my current life though... Perhaps hoodies and sweats do not need to be worn on a 24/7 basis- and perhaps I should learn how to curtail my vampire up all night ways.


  1. I ate peeps till I puked yesterday. It was like 2 dozen or so

    1. That just made me gag... Haha. My best friend loves those things. I don't get it. She loves Cadberry eggs too... those make me puke. Give me a solid dark chocolate bunny or give me nothing at all. ;)

    2. Chocolate makes me smile :-) I have the will power to walk past chocolate in the stores but put it in front of me and I will devour every last bite. I don't let it in my house either cuz I'll eat it all in one sitting. I work out way to much to let chocolate ruin it, lol! Glad to see you posted CL, was worrying about you! Have a great weekend :-)

  2. AnonymousMay 04, 2015

    Chris where the fuck are you? You haven't posted in a while

    1. AnonymousMay 06, 2015

      Idk, I heard he died in jail or something for real

  3. Hate the word "atheist"?October 30, 2015

    If you don't have a belief in any gods, but you absolutely hate the word "atheist", tough shit, you're still an atheist.
