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Please don't be stupid enough to assume that I named myself and my blog after a claymation character... Look the shit up, thanks.

Friday, July 1, 2016

You Can't Make A Hoe A House Wife

According to Google, I have not written anything in a mother fucking year. Wow. Slaaacker, yes I am a slacker. How are you? (Assuming anyone even reads this shit any more). But seriously, how are you?

Fuck. That's all I got. No, I have not talked to Trey Starrs is 400,000 years. So if that's the information that you were looking for- sorry to disappoint you. You can't make a hoe a housewife.

Marijuana is legal now. I don't know about you, but that makes my life far less complicated.
Uber and Lyft are magic- if you haven't tried them yet, you should- and be happy I'm not you driver.
Sir Mix A Lot was here two weeks ago- so if you missed out on that... fuck your life- you're not living. You may, however be able to redeem yourself because Too Short will be here soon.



  1. Hi Chicken
    Hope all is well. I often wonder if anyone else has filled the void Trey left behind. There's no shortage of fucked up criminals out there.

    -The Fake Swifty

    1. Yes, there is only one Swifty!!

    2. Yes, there is only one Swifty!!

    3. Yes, there is only one Swifty!!

    4. Public ArtAugust 19, 2016

      Chicken Lady,
      Did you see our Trump statues? We're doing Hilary next.
      Your friend in cybermedia,
      Dark Matter

  2. Hey Chicken, are you socially isolating?April 05, 2020

    Earlier I was thinking I’d say “Fuck it” and go ahead with regular life and get the damn virus but, a mental image of being among hundreds of sufferers lined up against the wall in the halls of a makeshift hospital with only a blanket for comfort is preventing me.

    Miss your witty posts. You alive? Incarcerated? In a cult?

    Safety First Swifty
