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Sunday, February 16, 2014

How To Seal The Deal On Never Hearing From Me Again...

The following are real text messages exchanged between myself and a guy that I went on TWO dates with. He is funny, he is smart, he is successful, he is not horrible to look at, blah blah blah- but here ya go:

Him: So Wednesday Eve?

Me: Sure, that'll work.

Him: What sounds good?

Me: Big fat hamburgers and really good beer.

Him: Gotcha- I know exactly the place- see you Wednesday then. I will text you the address.

Me: Okie Dokie.

Him: Don't give up on me *******. Let's be straight, I have been straight with you since day one. I
think you have an issue with being close to me. I have been honest. I am a great adventure.
I've burnt through a ton of women. I'm ready to settle down, are you? I want a complete team.
You'd have fun.

Me: (Not a god damn thing!!!!!!!!!! Do you really think I'd respond to that???!!!)

But seriously??!!! What the fuuuuuck???!!! Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. And no, I don't want to fuck him (obviously)- that's what I have a fuck buddy for. Ugh. So irritated.


  1. Well, he seems full of himself on one hand and on the other he seems to have a self esteem issue. If you have to sell yourself that hard, you don't beleve what you're writing. I would suggest sticking with the fuck buddy for now but I wish you luck either way :-)

    1. Oh helllll no. That's a done deal. He's totally full of himself, and has self esteem issues at the same time- you totally nailed it. And seriously?? Unless you're my therapist- don't be telling me what my "issues" are- ya dumb fuck (not you, him). Because the old me is DYING dying dying to go off on what his issues are. And let's face it, when I have something to say, I really have something to say- and it would not be pretty. Fucking idiot. I don't like cocky. Such a turn-off. And some chicks might fall for that shit (he's actually quite popular)- but the harder you come at me- the faster I run in the opposite direction. Duh.

  2. Sounds like his shit is pretty transparent, its sad he ever gets a date cuz it means there are women out there that don't see through him. Don't you just hate those peeps that tell you what they believe your problems are, lol, I think we all know what our problems are, thanks for nuthin' , lol!

  3. Okay, being the brilliant mother fucking person that I am I somehow managed to accidently text this guy. How the fuck does that happen??? I even have an app on my phone that asks me if I am "sure" I want to call another number. Anyhow- here is what my text said: " R. E.."

    Apparently he has spent the past several days trying to decipher that message- and seriously??!!! How did that even happen to begin with? Anyhow, his recent response was: "I don't know what R. E means, but maybe you should trust me. I'm a good man. GTFOH.....
