Is the sky falling??!!
This is what happens when you think too much...
About Me

- Chicken Little
- Please don't be stupid enough to assume that I named myself and my blog after a claymation character... Look the shit up, thanks.
Friday, July 1, 2016
You Can't Make A Hoe A House Wife
Fuck. That's all I got. No, I have not talked to Trey Starrs is 400,000 years. So if that's the information that you were looking for- sorry to disappoint you. You can't make a hoe a housewife.
Marijuana is legal now. I don't know about you, but that makes my life far less complicated.
Uber and Lyft are magic- if you haven't tried them yet, you should- and be happy I'm not you driver.
Sir Mix A Lot was here two weeks ago- so if you missed out on that... fuck your life- you're not living. You may, however be able to redeem yourself because Too Short will be here soon.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Please leave me a comment and tell me what's been up with you! Xoxo
Friday, April 3, 2015
Take Me To Church
I am simply not the child/ adult my mother wanted me to be. But a more important and pressing situation I have going on is: WTF am I going to wear to church on Sunday?? And how many alarms do I need to set to be sure I get there on time?? Ugh. Says a little bit about my current life though... Perhaps hoodies and sweats do not need to be worn on a 24/7 basis- and perhaps I should learn how to curtail my vampire up all night ways.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Saaaay Something!
P.S. I have 13,321 page views- so don't try to tell me you have nothing to say... bitches. Now get busy talking.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
mam llwlwml m m lwpm awlWmmpeMwammppm .l m mealmym.awmmpwmm klllmwm llmnal@? l
Last night I somehow managed to draft the above blog entry, title and all, with my phone in my purse or pocket. I discovered it this morning. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
What's With The "Bam Bam Bam" Thing??!!!!
For someone that went months and months without having sex I sure have been awfully promiscuous lately. And I don't really feel that bad about it- mentally that is. My body on the otherhand? Fuuuuck (no pun intended). Between wrestling, falling off the bed, and the "bam bam bam" treatment I feel like I need to go to physical therapy AND abstain from sex until I heal. Okay, it's not thaaat bad- but seriously?? What's with guys and the jack rabbit sex? Do men think that women enjoy that? Is that the only way some guys can cum? Do men have any idea that shit might be painful and will actually lessen their chances of having sex in the future (or at least the near future)? Am I really having to explain this shit to men? Am I really writing about this? WTF??!!! I'll take responsibility for partaking in the wrestling and falling off the bed thing.... but that bam bam bam shit has got to go.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
What Would You Do??
Would you:
A) Leave the city and go somewhere else within Oregon?
B) Get the fuck out of Oregon and go to another state?
C) Leave the mother fucking country? (FYI Passports are only good for ten years)
D) Sit your punk ass down and not go anywhere?
So- tell me what you would do, please.